Thursday, February 28, 2008

Queen holds the secret of Anti-Life (it's true)

As anyone who has read the most recent issue of DC's Countdown to Final Crisis (#9) knows, Piper has a bit of the anti-life equation in him, and that part of the equation... is Queen.

But I am not here to talk about how totally predictable and stereotypical it is to have the "gay guy" tearfuly playing a song which is about Freddie Mercury's battle against AIDS (Would they have a different character play the song, even though it is equally appropriate as a "swan song"? probably not.) The reasons for this are twofold. First Queen is AWESOME, and all shall appreciate the genius of Freddie Mercury! Secondly, and this is a little known fact, Queen songs hold the secret of the Anti-Life equation!**



[hands, hearts]

~{wrong, right, black, white, blood, stain, hate, fight}


1 man ∧ 1 goal = 1 mission

1 heart ∧ 1 soul = 1 solution


1 flash of light -> 1 God/1 vision


1 flesh ∧ 1 bone = 1 true religion

(1 voice ∨1 race) ∧ 1 hope = 1 real decision


1 vision

also: Fried Chicken*

*Fried Chicken may here be a stand-in for Ice Cream, the anti-life power of which may have been too much for the common listener to stand. The anti-life power of Ice Cream is first shown in Young Justice #37

**This post is not at all intended seriously, and I apologise for abusing what little logic I remember from high school. Later I may post a slightly more serious look at Piper's new place in countdown (and how much Desaad sucks at brainwashing) later.

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