Tuesday, July 7, 2009

More Out-Of-Context Funnies

So I've got this awesome "ten most disturbing moments in Avengers history" post in the works, but it's taking me longer than expected to get it all written out. So here's another random Avengers panel of wrongness, and the real content will come tomorrow. (maybe by then I will have more than nine wrong moments ready...)

"there to await my pleasure"

Monday, July 6, 2009

Speaking of Swordsman...

For some reason, Swordy gets all the vaguely wrong panels.

also, apparently, it pleases Quicksilver to touch Swordsman, which makes me giggle

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Superpatriotic Holiday Edition

It's the fourth of July, and like probably every other comics blogger, I'm celebrating a very special superhero on this day... someone who's served his country his entire life, who is the very embodiment of the patriotic spirit... a man who BLEEDS red, white, and blue:

I am talking, of course, about Captain John Walker: US AGENT
Oh yes.

Ah, US Agent, the only avenger whose dickishness dwarfs even Tony Stark's.

Seriously... this guys' a real pieceawork, but, whatever you say about US Agent, you cannot deny that the man is a TRUE PATRIOT.

And also, a TRUE BADASS.
But I could go on about Walker's faults all day, and probably into the next, but, beyond the utterly punchable face and slavish devotion to his government (up to, and including, secretary of state Red Skull,) US Agent has a great many awesome qualities that, on this day of American Patriotism, I find it incumbent upon me to celebrate.

John Walker's a family man, dontchaknow, and he takes a photo of his late parents with him into battle, where it's pasted on the back of his shield, so he is always reminded of what he's fighting for whenever he uses it. His shield is further inscribed with the names of men who have fallen in service to their country. He will then use this shield to MESS YOU UP.

Oh yeah, US Agent brings the pain, and does so FOR AMERICA.

He does it FOR JUSTICE.

Because John Walker does not care who you are, but he will uphold the ideals of Truth, Justice, and the American Way ALL UP IN YOUR FACE. He does not need to be LIKED, or ACCEPTED... he merely IS. He is all that is patriotic and American and he makes NO APOLOGIES.
So you can go and read your stories about that pacifistic liberal, Steve Rogers, or his whiny little brat, Bucky... but in the hearts of all TRUE PATRIOTS, there is only ONE THING to say when you see this man:


Friday, July 3, 2009

Even longer time, no lol

Well, between finishing school, getting a swank new apartment, and generally drifting away from the internet in general, this blog has been left untended for over a year now. Truly I am shamed by my inattentiveness to my undead baby.... but I feel in the mood to change this. BEHOLD: more lol

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Long time, no lol

Well, with school and also work, I've not had much time for my lovely blog here. However, having the last post be way back in february shames me, so here's a lovely lol-panther moment as a placeholder.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Queen holds the secret of Anti-Life (it's true)

As anyone who has read the most recent issue of DC's Countdown to Final Crisis (#9) knows, Piper has a bit of the anti-life equation in him, and that part of the equation... is Queen.

But I am not here to talk about how totally predictable and stereotypical it is to have the "gay guy" tearfuly playing a song which is about Freddie Mercury's battle against AIDS (Would they have a different character play the song, even though it is equally appropriate as a "swan song"? probably not.) The reasons for this are twofold. First Queen is AWESOME, and all shall appreciate the genius of Freddie Mercury! Secondly, and this is a little known fact, Queen songs hold the secret of the Anti-Life equation!**



[hands, hearts]

~{wrong, right, black, white, blood, stain, hate, fight}


1 man ∧ 1 goal = 1 mission

1 heart ∧ 1 soul = 1 solution


1 flash of light -> 1 God/1 vision


1 flesh ∧ 1 bone = 1 true religion

(1 voice ∨1 race) ∧ 1 hope = 1 real decision


1 vision

also: Fried Chicken*

*Fried Chicken may here be a stand-in for Ice Cream, the anti-life power of which may have been too much for the common listener to stand. The anti-life power of Ice Cream is first shown in Young Justice #37

**This post is not at all intended seriously, and I apologise for abusing what little logic I remember from high school. Later I may post a slightly more serious look at Piper's new place in countdown (and how much Desaad sucks at brainwashing) later.