Monday, January 14, 2008

Bone for the kiddies

The complete Bone has been available for, like, forever. Or at least since 2004. However, it is now being released in smaller paperbacks for the kiddies, which is awesome. No parent is going to shell out the forty dollars the massive volume starts at, and no kid is going to think a brick of a book is appealing to pick up sight unseen. However, book seven just came out about a month ago. There have been massive pauses in the publication of each smaller trade, the first one arriving all the way back in January 2005.

As I said shortly before, I work in the kids department of a bookstore, and you have no idea how many kids have asked me when there's going to be more Bone. It's absolutely idiotic to print these books so far apart when the material is long finished! It's only making it less accessable to the kids who want the whole story right now, and will probably forget about it when there's almost a year between publications. I hate telling them that, although the story has been published, we won't get it in "their" format for another few months, at least.

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