Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Jan be Liberated!

Sorry about the sporadic posting, but I've pretty much run out of things to write about without some fresh scans, as you can see from my previous, scanless, post.

So here's a very special installment of "How to treat a woman": how to BE a woman, with the lovely Wasp:

Watch closely as she demonstrates the proper way to resolve marital disputes!
(as i recall, this comes just a few issues before the infamous backhand of assholeishness is administered)

Step one: dress like a hooker
Step two: denigrate yourself to make him look better
step three: declare that you are useless except as an accessory to him!
step four: offer sexual favors!
unfortunately for Jan, she didn't simper enough in panel two, and so the dissolution of their marriage is TOTALLY her fault.
Ok, time to throw up from the horror and an OD of sarcasm.

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